R E News
Sacrament of First Eucharist
The dates have been set for the Sacrament of First Eucharist. Please add the following dates to your diary. Any child who has made their First Reconciliation in the Catholic Church and is in Year 4 or above, is eligible to make their Sacrament of First Eucharist (Communion) this year. Further information will be sent home to the Year 4 class later this week. If your child is also eligible in an older class and you wish for them to be involved please contact either Virginia Bent or Jacqui Collins to ensure that they are added to the list. Also please let others know who may be interested.
Parent Meeting for First Eucharist - Wednesday 28th August at 6:30pm (Week 6 Term 3)
The enrolment weekends will be Sunday 8th, Saturday 14th or Sunday 22nd September
The Retreat Day for First Eucharist - Thursday 14th November (Week 5 Term 4)
The Sacrament of First Eucharist Sunday 17th November at 10am (Week 5 Term 4).
The annual Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn’s SHINE Youth Conference is being run by the CSYMA (Catholic Schools Youth Ministry Australia) team again this year at Merici College on Friday 13th September. The students gain the opportunity to explore Youth Ministry further through a variety of talks, drama, testimony and other elements, as well as practical workshop experiences, where students’ eyes are opened to the gift of faith. They also have the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about developing a relationship with Jesus. SHINE is also a great opportunity for hundreds of young people across the Archdiocese from Years 9 & 10 to come together and learn from each other and build relationships outside of their school community with other students from across our expansive Archdiocese. Communication will be received about this event via compass is the next few days once final arrangements have been made.