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- Term 1 Important Dates
- Stage 4 Maths
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- Primary Awards - Week 6 & 7
- Secondary Awards - Week 7 & 8
- Primary Cross Country
- Paul Kelly Cup
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Dear St Anne's Community,
Term 1 is nearly complete and I continue to be impressed with the student's learning and behaviour. Well done!
This week I attended the last building works site meeting with the Architect, Builders and Catholic Education representative. It is really nice to be able to walk around our school and see the bright and modern teaching and learning spaces. It is a credit to Kathy Holding and all of the St Anne's community for applying for and achieving the funding to allow the works to go ahead. I would also like to thank the Staff and Students for their flexibility and patience while the renovations took place. We are blessed to have this new environment to teach and learn in.
We will continue to focus on our 3 Annual Plan Goals of: Improve Student Achievement, Increase Student Engagement and Strengthen our Catholic Identity. We will also move our maintenance focus to improving our playground environment. I hope to be able to share a master plan with you by early next term. This will list the various plans for the spaces available and the funding amounts.
Congratulations to all our students that have been busy with their various sporting achievements lately. I am proud of the dedication and effort that they put in.
A reminder that students and staff will start Term 2 on Monday 19th April.
Take care,
Grant Haigh
Recently, we had our trees trimmed to ensure the continued safety of everyone on our school grounds.

The renovations are all but complete. The builder's site office has left the school grounds and the builders are finalising some minor aspects of the renovations. I encourage you to come in for a tour of the new work. Please book in at the office and we would be happy to show you around.

Reflection for the Fourth Week of Lent
Lent is a time of prayer and renewal and an opportunity to refocus relationships with God that lead us to the Easter Sunday celebration of our risen Christ.
We are reminded in this fourth week of Lent to be wary of making assumptions, because they are based on our human expectations.
We all have our blind spots. It is easy to make assumptions about why someone is unkind, unhappy, poor, homeless or sick, and sometimes, those assumptions are not without cause. But they do not invite us to look deeper into the hearts of those we encounter. They do not invite us to see where God is waiting to surprise us. They do not allow us to see the surprising expectations God may have in store for us.
We should take some time in prayer to consider: What does the world look like through our eyes? What does the world look like through God's eyes? How can we adjust our vision toward God's way of seeing things?
Parish Movie Night Tonight
Anybody wishing to get a last minute ticket for tonight’s Parish movie night at the Town Hall Theatre is invited to arrive at 7pm for a 7:30pm start for the movie ‘Fatima’. Tickets are $15 and there are a few left for last minute purchase at the door.
First Reconciliation
A reminder to the families of First Reconciliation candidates that their final Rite of Enrolment Mass is this Saturday 20th March at 6pm.
Please be sure that you have the following dates on the calendar:
First Reconciliation Retreat Day - Thursday May 13th 9:10- 3:20pm in St Joseph’s hall
Sacrament of First Reconciliation - Thursday May 13th @ 6pm
Secondary Retreat Days in Week 10
Year 8 retreat day will be held in Week 10 on Tuesday March 30th
Year 9 retreat day will be held in Week 10 on Wednesday March 31st
Each of the retreats will be combined with McAuley Catholic Central School, Tumut & Sacred Heart Central School, Cootamundra. Please look out for the note sent home tomorrow.
Passion Play
You are invited to join the school when the Stage 5 students will be presenting the Passion Play on Holy Thursday at 2:00pm in the Church.
Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
Last week you received instructions on how to book interviews with your child's teacher/s for interviews. Bookings will close on Monday 22nd March at 3.30pm.
Friday 19th March - Open boys and girls cricket in Gundagai
Saturday 20th March - Reconciliation Enrolment at Mass, 6.00pm
Saturday 27th March - St Anne's Long Lunch 12.00noon
Monday 29th March - Winter trials for Open netball and under 11's and under 12's rugby league in Canberra
Tuesday 30th March - Year 8 Retreat Day (School Hall)
Tuesday 30th March - Western Region Cross Country (Boorowa)
Wednesday 31st March - Year 9 Retreat Day (School Hall)
Thursday 1st April - Last Day Term 1
Thursday 1st April - Easter Hat Parade 9.00am
Thursday 1st April - Yr 5-6, Stephen Bleyer Cup
Thursday 1st April - Easter Pageant 2.00pm
Monday 19th April - K-10, School Resumes Term 2
Stage 4 students completed their second cycle of Maths Pathway. Congratulations to all of the students listed below who have achieved 200%+ growth. If they were to maintain this growth these students would learn at least two years of Maths in one year.
200 club |
300 club |
400 club |
500 club |
Daniel Balinski |
Oscar Bent |
Joseph Collins |
Kayde Carney |
Lizzie Cooper |
Lilli Block |
Eloise Haigh |
Guinevere Drumore |
Jacob Durham |
Maisy McCrone |
Harry Kelly |
Kayla Edwards |
Jett Nguyen |
Chelsea Nielsen |
Alice Fogarty |
Lillian Oliver |
Matilda Reardon |
Geoffrey Gallagher |
Josie Crawford |
Cate Granleese |
Lily Guymer |
Markus Macfarlane |
Alexia Lancaster |
Scarlett Minchin |
Evie west |
Teodora Vasilescu |
Bella Bush |
Mitchell Dunstan |
Malle Morton |
Rachael Thompson |
Milly van Egmond |
We wish our secondary leaders well at the ‘Take Charge’ Riverina Youth Leadership Forum in Wagga on Wednesday, 24th March 2021 at the Convention Centre at Charles Sturt University, where they will showcase an exciting range of speakers and workshops with the areas of mental health, artistic photography, science and the advocate for young people.
Jonte Reid and George Morton head off to Wagga next Friday to represent Canberra-Goulburn AFL in the MacKillop selection trials-we wish them all the very best of luck!
Cross country is at Boorowa on 30th March, for those who finished in the top 5 in their age.
Mortimer Shield league tag and rugby league for Year 5/6 on 27th April at Temora- notes need to be returned to office by 1st April.
Canberra-Goulburn Primary touch trials at Lyneham ACT are on 3rd May. See Mr Hughes if you are interested in trialing.

Week 6
Kinder - Academic - Jed Wheeler and Winfred Puertos. You Can Do It - Ruby Crawford.
Yr 1 - Academic - Olive Coddington and Alice Reid. You Can Do It - Ella McCrone.
Yr 2 - Academic - Noah Miles and Ava Crawford. You Can Do It - Madison McCormack.
Yr 3 - Academic - Bailey McCormack and Elsie Keith. You Can Do It - Billy Cassidy.
Yr 4 - Academic - Serenity Bron and Imogen Baldock. You Can Do It - Lillian Perry.
Yr 5 - Academic - George Morton and Claire Hartwig. You Can Do It - Marley Block.
Yr 6 - Academic - Bethany Wiencke and Lenny Lancaster. You Can Do It - Jack King.
Week 7
Kinder - Academic - Ruby Crawford and Ivy Drenovski. You Can Do It - Wade Whitton.
Yr 1 - Academic - Hayden Pham and Audrey Wallace. You Can Do It - Alexy Balon.
Yr 2 - Academic - Primrose Minchin and Joey Guymer. You Can Do It - Poppy Walden.
Yr 3 - Academic - Mailee Reid and Leo Drenovski. You Can Do It - Addie Warren.
Yr 4 - Academic - Judd Oliver and Oscar Block. You Can Do It - Benjamin Samaan.
Yr 5 - Academic - Macey Coddington and William Maxwell. You Can Do It - William Madden.
Yr 6 - Academic - Hugh Perry and Jasmin Cassidy. You Can Do It - Jonte Reid.
Week 7 - Yr 7 - Jacob Durham for great contribution in discussions in History. Alice Fogarty for sharing her ideas in English. Lillian Oliver for positive contribution to discussions in History.
Yr 8 - Kayde Carney for showing great initiative with his Maths. Nino Matanguihan for quiet persistence in English.
Yr 9 - Naish Oliver for a great draft in History. Lily Reinhold for passion and excellent ideas in English. William Scott for producing and excellent assessment on Trigonometry.
Yr 10 - Harrison Bush for always applying himself fully to tasks in History. Matthew Durham for improved application in English. Jordan Meyer for showing a great understanding in Measurement. Jed Reardon for mature discussions in Religion. Peter Thompson for mature discussions in Religion.
Week 8 - Yr 7 - Jimmie Harper for being able to utilise note durations in Music and having an excellent work ethic in Agriculture. Markus Macfarlane for having an excellent work ethic in Agriculture. Jett Nguyen for excellence in effort and application in Science. Lillian Oliver for an excellent result in History topic test. Matilda Reardon for excellence in effort and application in Science.
Yr 8 - Josie Crawford for an interesting and well written news article in English. Alexia Lancaster for great detail in her news article in English.
Yr 9 - Sharn Ferguson for an excellent research report in History. Poppy Minchin for an excellent research report in History. Lily Reinhold for an excellent research report in History.
Yr 10 - Francis Drumore for an excellent research report in History.
Yesterday our Yr 5/6 students (with support from some of our Yr 4 girls) fielded 2 AFL teams at the Paul Kelly Cup in Wagga. Well done to everyone involved.
The Friends of Temora Shire Cemeteries need your help to get on top of some maintenance at the Temora Cemetery.
Can you spare two hours on Saturday 20th March, from 8am - 10am, to help them to tidy up the resting place of your loved ones?
With the rainfall we've had in the past twelve months, the Friends have found it difficult to get on top of some necessary tasks and are inviting the community to lend a hand with jobs such as raking, pruning, pulling weeds, laying plinths, and placing crosses.
Bring along a hat, sunscreen, gloves, water, sturdy shoes, and a can-do attitude, and be rewarded with a sausage sizzle for your efforts. If you can, bring along some tools like a whipper snipper or shovel, that may assist with the work. Or just bring yourself - all contributions will be greatly appreciated.
Saturday 20th March
8am - 10am
Temora Cemetery
Monday 22nd March - Sally Cassidy, Marna Crawford, El Warren
Monday 29th March - Atalie Perry, Carly Bickham, Andrea Cartwright
We are accepting cash in the canteen again. Online payment is preferred however cash will be accepted for snacks and ice blocks for recess and lunch Monday and just lunch on Fridays.
There have been several price rises in canteen this year due to supplier price increases, if you are sending your children with cash to buy snacks you can check prices QKR if needed.
School Holiday Workshops:
Tuesday 6th of April- “Dip and Dye at Platform Y”.
This is a tie-dye workshop @ Platform Y from 2:30-3:30.
Participants will need to BYO white shirt/clothing to dye.
Friday 9th of April- “Minute to Win It”
Games workshop @ Platform Y from 2:30-4pm.
Youth Week Workshops:
Monday 12th of April- “Monday Funday”.
@ Railway Precinct, Temora.
- Archery Tag
- Air Racer
- Basketball Shootout
- Sausage Sizzle
- Face Painting
- Painting the 2021 Youth Week “Together More than Ever” mural.
- Transport to/from Barmedman, Ariah Park and Springdale.
All free, including transport.
Barmedman Pickup 9.30am / Dropoff 1.30pm – location (front of Post Office)
Ariah Park Pickup 9.20am / Drop-off 1.40pm – location (front of Ariah Park Hotel)
Springdale Pickup 9.30am / Dropoff 1.30pm – location (Railway Station Parking Area)
Bookings are essential for travel. This may be cancelled if we have no bookings.
Tuesday 13th of April- “Sweet Treats Workshop”
Bake and Decorate sugar cookies @ Platform Y. 1-3pm.
All workshops are FREE and need to be pre-booked, this can be done by contacting YPC Kassi Owen on 0418 357 230.