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- Melbourne Cup Fashions on the Field
- Yrs 7-10 Enrolling Now
- Yr 7 Orientation
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- Secondary Maths Mayhem
- Yr 10 Science
- Yr 10 Graduation Meeting
- Important Dates Term 4
- Stage 5 Food Technology
- Naidoc Awards 2021
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- Canteen Roster
- Temora Youth Teams
Dear St Anne's Community,
I was very impressed with the students and their outfits for Melbourne Cup. It was nice to have a bit of fun, seeing that lots of events have been cancelled due to COVID. Congratulations to all of the best dressed boys and girls.
I am looking forward to both the Kindergarten and Year 7 orientation programs starting next week. A big welcome to all of the students.
Next year we will be offering a certificate 1 in construction for Year 9/10 students. We are very excited about this opportunity.
We are at the midway point of the term and starting to plan for end of year events and beyond. The latest roadmap has been released that outlines some easing of restrictions. We will communicate more information about end of year presentation events in the coming weeks.
Congratulations to our First Eucharist students in Year 4. We will continue to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
Take care,
Kinder Literacy
Mrs Hughes is very impressed with Kindergarten and their efforts in Literacy. Kinder have been working really hard during their daily Initialit lessons and their reading, writing and spelling results have been fantastic! We are also making our own "Stick man" as our storybook for the past two weeks has been "Stick Man"

Kinder Wellbeing Session
Kindergarten have been lucky enough to have the support of Kerrie Murphy this year who is a Speech Pathologist. Kerrie has been working with individual students each Tuesday; however this week Kerrie joined the whole class for a wellbeing session. Kinder made "calming jars" using water, glitter and food colouring. We all had a great time and felt very calm afterwards!
Melbourne Cup Day
Kindergarten all looked fabulous in their Fashions on the Field outfits for Melbourne Cup Day! The SRC voted and Phillipa, Ivy and Winfred were lucky enough to win best dressed in Kinder!
Week 3
Kinder - Tristan Swanston for improved effort in Literacy. Flynn Gilchrist for improved effort in handwriting. Skyla Morton for always using her manners.
Yr 1 - Alice Reid for her use of column graphs to understand data. Matthew O'Connor for his use of column graphs to understand data. Mack Oliver for working kindly with his friends.
Yr 2 - Primrose Minchin for her excellent work in creating a pie chart. Madison McCormack for her excellent efforts in creating a bar graph. Scarlett Ward for showing gratitude for her friends and family.
Yr 3 - Leo Drenovski for working sensibly with a partner during a Maths task. Ayden George for having such speedy timestable recalls. Elsie Keith for her positive attitude and willingness to learn.
Yr 4 - Oscar Block for always listening to instructions. Hayley Kite for a great effort in Maths. Matthias Lancaster for being a positive thinker.
Yr 5 - Jake Bett for thoughtful responses in Religion. Lana King for a great effort in Writing. Eliana Orbita for identifying the five emotional blockers.
Yr 6 - Isobelle Crawford for a fantastic effort in Literacy work. Jack King for amazing concentration during Maths lessons. Lily Gibbs for trying to use strategies to calm monkey brain.
Week 4
Kinder - Karzon Rebibis for improved effort and focus in all areas. Bodhi Reardon for great work in Mathematics. Flynn Gilchrist for always including others in his games.
Yr 1 - Archie Block for his quick mathematical thinking in Shoot Out. Jackson Parry for his improved attention and effort during writing time. Alexy Balon for challenging herself to have a go even when she is unsure.
Yr 2 - Evie Cooper for excellent 3D shapes. Yana Balinska for excellent 3D shapes. Rosie Maurer for working hard to be a resilient member of our class.
Yr 3 - Riley Gilchrist for working hard during Literacy. Lilah Caldwell for writing a great paragraph using a variety of idioms. Charlie Minchin for being a positive learner and identifying blockers to his success.
Yr 4 - Billy Townsend for excellent efforts in handwriting. Lillian Perry for fantastic work on Patricia Polacco. Imogen Baldock for taking risks in Maths.
Yr 5 - Robert Bett for a positive attitude towards his work. Macey Coddington for an interesting information report on North Korea. Lenny Guymer for working towards his goals in well-being.
Yr 6 - Adelaide Gaynor for mature reflections regarding the 1967 referendum for indigenous people. Jonte Reid for his application to RE tasks. Lily Gibbs for insightful thoughts when considering how to treat others with kindness and respect.
Yr 2 - Annabelle Gray - Selection to WR Athletics, 8yrs, 7th 100m. Zephanie Lancaster - Selection to WR & CG Athletics, 8-10yrs, 2nd relay
Yr 3 - Grace McCrone - Selection to WR & CG Athletics, 8-10yrs, 1st long jump, 2nd 200m, 2nd relay, Junior Girl Age Champion
Yr 4 - Imogen Baldock - Selection to WR & CG Athletics, 10yrs, 6th 100m, 3rd 200m, 1st high jump, 2nd relay. Ava DerrickB - Selection to WR & CG Athletics, 8-10yrs, 4th shotput, 2nd relay.
Yr 5 - Marley Block - Selection to WR Athletics, 11-13yrs, 4th relay. Amber Haigh - Selection to WR Athletics, 11-13yrs, 4th relay. George Morton - Selection to WR Athletics, . William Maxwell - Selection to WR & CG Athletics, 11yrs, 2nd high jump, 2nd discus. Darcy Reardon - Selection to WR & CG Athletics, 11yrs, 1st high jump, 2nd 100m, 3rd 200m, 3rd relay. Runner Up 11yrs Boy Champion. Lani McCrone - Selection to WR & CG Athletics, 11yrs, 1st 200m, 3rd high jump, 3rd long jump, 3rd 100m, 4th relay, 5th shotput. 11yrs Girl Champion.
Yr 6 - Lily Gibbs - Selection to WR & CG Athletics, 12-13yrs, 1st discus. Zahara Karn - Selection to WR & CG Athletics, 12-13 yrs, 2nd discus. Carus Gray - Selection to WR & CG Athletics, 12-13 yrs, 1st shotput. Leonard Lancaster - Selection to WR Athletics, 11-13rs, 3rd relay. Annabelle Palmer - Selection to WR Athletics. 12yrs, 6th 100m, 9th 200m, 4th relay. Jonte Reid - Selection to WR Athletics, 12-13yrs, 7th long jump, 3rd relay.
Melbourne Cup Fashions on the Field
It was fantastic to finally dress up again and enjoy the spirit of Melbourne Cup Day! Even the socially distant Fashions on the Field Parade couldn’t dampen the spirit of fun. Congratulations to all of the students and staff for getting involved. Special congratulations are offered to the Secondary Most Outrageous Outfit, Best Dressed Stage 4 and 5 Females, Best Dressed male, Horse and Jockey, Best Dressed Couple & some special mentions.
Week 4
Yr 7 - Scarlett Minchin for excellent results in Liveability modules in Geography.
Yr 8 - Lily Guymer for consistent effort in Geography. Malle Morton for working well on her 'Globalised Me' poster in Geography.
Yr 9 - Lily Reinhold for excellent achievement in Migration modules in Geography.
Yr 10 - Jordan Meyer for consistent application to Religion tasks. Peter Thompson for consistent effort in Religion and great EP work on Human Wellbeing in Geography.
Maths Report
Students have been working hard in Maths with some amazing growth being made.
Year 7 & 8 Maths
Our Year 7&8 students are continuing with our Maths Pathway Program. Students are really starting to see the benefit of revising work, achieving outstanding individual growth. The curriculum grid enables students to see where they have been, where they are and where they are going which allows for specific goals to be set each fortnight. Special mention to Evie West and Milly Van Egmond who achieved an amazing 400% growth in the last cycle!!!

Year 9 Maths
The Year 9 5.3 Maths class has been a pilot class for HITP (High Impact teaching practice) this year. Students have really taken to the program and every students growth over the past 12 months has been amazing. The students should be so proud, as we are, of all their hard work.
Year 10 Maths
The Year 10 students have been working hard on completing their final unit before preparing for their exams in Week 7 which they are all really looking forward to?.
Yr 10 are doing the final flight of their air powered rockets. They have conducted a series of tests of the burst disks, to power the rocket, as well as various rocket designs to gain maximum height.
Who will end up reaching the greatest height?
Stay tuned!
Matt - Fun
Rhyley - Cool to look at aerodynamics
Francis - Exhilarating
Peter - Enlightening

We have been granted permission to have the Year 10 Graduation which is fantastic. We now need to get onto organising it ASAP. Yr 10 parents are invited to a meeting next Monday, 8th November at 5:30pm in the Year 10 Rm.
Friday 3rd December - Whole School St Vincent de Paul Sharing Presentation, 9.00am
Wed 8th, Thur 9th & Fri 10th December - Yr 10 Excursion (in Temora)
Friday 10th December - Infants Certificate Presentation, COLA, 9.00am
Friday 10th December - Yr 3-6 Special Awards, Yr 3-5 Certificates, COLA, 9.15am
Friday 10th December - Yr 6 Celebration Mass, Sacred Heart Church, 11.00am
Monday 13th December - Student's reports sent home via Compass
Tuesday 14th December - Yr 10 Formal Awards, School Hall, 11.00am
Tuesday 14th December - Yr 7-9 Formal Awards, COLA, 12.00pm
Tuesday 14th December - Yr 10 Graduation Mass, 5.30pm followed by dinner at Temora Bowling Club, 7.00pm
Wednesday 15th December - Last Day Term 4
Tuesday 1st February - Students First Day Term 1 2022
Yr 9 students Annabelle, Zoe, Tully, Sharn, Mia and Myra should be very proud of their efforts in Stage 5 Food Technology. Wow, amazing and fantastic are some of the words that staff and fellow students used to describe these awesome cakes.
Monday 6th December - Team 4 - Angela Gilchrist, Amber Crawford, Kerissa Reardon, Rochelle Caldwell
Monday 13th December - Team 5 - Meg Morton, Ali McCrone, Carissa Bett